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The Crappy Apes NFT Collection

My latest (and only) NFT drop…  The value of these are  gonna double in 1 hour!    Buy them now, now NOW!

A truly original piece in which the artist (me) – in a moment of pure clarity – managed to condense his lifetime artistic and perceptual knowledge into an ‘only’ 16*16 pixel masterpiece(s). And they have APE in the name.  ! 

(crypto punks are 24*24)


And not only can your own THE most original, future-historic pieces of art in the world, you can get really rich – probably.   I mean,  the price of them is surely gonna be thousands soon,  or  millions,  or BILLIONS.   !!


(starting price of 0.000005 ETH, or 1p,   as of drop-date -and-time  5:45pm GMT, 21feb2022,


There’s only 4 in the collection – and you can purchase them now!  Be enshrined in the blockchain FOREVER and ever. 

01 - template ape.png

Template Ape

02 - ape with a hat.png

Ape With A Hat

03 - wired ape.png

Wired Ape

04 - really crappy ape.png

Really Crappy Ape

The wild apes are a gang.  Brothers.  Probably use their unique abilities to fight off bad-guys.   And in the future I reckon their fame with lead them each to a spin-off tv series each and a move franchise.

Meet the crappy apes...
01 - Template Ape
01 - template ape.png

The original ‘master’ ape.   He created them all. Honest and trustworthy.   But no messing about.    And he can clone other apes in his hi-tech laboratory.

02 - Ape With A Hat
02 - ape with a hat.png

He’s like template ape, but he’s got a hat.     The cool hipster of the group that likes to accessorize. His hat can also be used as a cunning disguise by pulling it

slightly down his face.

03 - Wired Ape
03 - wired ape.png

He’s got big eyes. Master with using num-chucks. At other times he likes to crawl up to your front door wanting to hang out and bum a beer off of you.   

04 - Really Crappy Ape
04 - really crappy ape.png

“Really” – because he embodies the spirit of the crappy apes collection more than anyone else.   If the crappy apes were a gang – he would be the leader.    Perhaps his half missing face adds an air of mystery.


The crappy apes strutting through the metaverse..
About The Artist

Clive W lives in Chorlton Manchester.  Usually works in ‘IT’ but between jobs right now – he turned artist for a few minutes and discovered he was, in fact, artist genius.

Lets take this pyrimid to the moon!
There's a lot of money to be made in a ponzi scheme if you get out early enough
May the biggest fool win
The Small Print
  • Buy some ether crypto, go to, search for the crappy apes collection, and get on this gravy train before the price goes up too much!

  • This is not only a joke.  This shit is real.  They really are available to purchase as NFTs on opensea.

  • You can find them here:

  • Ok, actual small print follows….

  • I will endeavour to keep this page up to date, and to list all transactions and current prices as they are sold and bought on opensea (or elsewhere)  And to exchange all contact details with buyers and sellers if they chose to provide this info,  and put their details on this website if that’s what they wish.   Keep coming back to this page watch the progress!  😊

  • If you wanna buy one of these you need to open an account at ‘’, which means you’ll also have to make a crypto wallet, such as ‘metamask’ and get some ether in there first.  Yes it’s a ball-ache, but they say the first-adopters always win.



As of right now -   5:45pm Monday 22feb2022,   they are all going for 1 English pence.

(= 0.000005 ETH).


Here's the 16*16 pixel NFT
images you'll be buying the rights to:
01 - template ape_16by16.png
02 - ape with a hat_16by16.png
03 - wired ape_16by16.png
04 - really crappy ape_16by16.png
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